I work with art every day; mechanical, functional, useful art. My typewriters make noises. They click, and rattle, and ‘ding!’ They’re physical. They require me to use my hands, my fingers, my brain. Sometimes the keys jam, or the ribbon stops, or something happens that I have to think about, fiddle wit, and fix. They […]
Write on typewriter. Everyone today is behind schedule, frazzled, constantly connected, and living a frantic life. Everything is so fast it’s hard to appreciate the moment. The moments come and go and we’re left to feel we’re constantly running out of time. But you can slow it down. I’ve been collecting and restoring vintage and […]
No one is making vintage typewriters anymore. While there are manufacturers still producing new electric typewriters, and at least one making a manual model, if you’re searching for a vintage typewriter, you’ll have to get a little creative. I’ve been buying, collecting, reconditioning, and selling vintage typewriters for several years, and in that time I’ve […]
Typewriters were the dominant writing machine for nearly 100 years. Over that time typewriter companies came and went, leaving behind hundreds of different types of machines. Even today there are still millions of typewriters around in basements, attics, storage rooms, and even in use. If you’ve never had a typewriter before, or have decided you […]
Hello. This is Mahogany Rhino’s new website. I’m currently in the process of getting the site setup, so please be patient. If you would like to see my current typewriter offerings and accessories, please visit my Etsy shop: Mahogany Rhino. If you’d like to contact me directly, please contact me through my Etsy store as […]